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Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Interim report on Q4 and full-year 2007 summary

February 4, 2008

Record quarter – growth accelerated

• Solid market conditions and improved market position.
• 33% order growth of which 20% organic; double-digit growth in all regions.
• Revenues reached a record MSEK 17 549 (13 582), organic growth 18%.
• Record operating profit, up 36% to MSEK 3 361, a margin of 19.2%.
• MSEK 864 non-cash charge in financial items from write-down of right to notes.
• Profit before tax was MSEK 2 134 (2 382).
• Profit for the period was MSEK 1 376 (9 172, incl. discontinued operations).
• Basic earnings per share were SEK 1.12 (7.37).
- Earnings per share from continuing operations and excluding the non-cash charge of MSEK 864 were SEK 1.83 (1.42).
• Operating cash flow for continuing operations was MSEK 926 (474).
• The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 3.00 per share and a share buy-back program.

Near-term demand outlook

The demand for Atlas Copco’s products and services from most customer segments and regions is expected to remain at the current high level.

The positive outlook includes the main part of the construction segment, while construction related to housing is expected to remain weak, primarily in North America.

For further information please contact:


Ingrid Andersson, Investor Relations Manager,
Phone: +46 8 743 8290 or +46 70 497 8290 [email protected]

Daniel Frykholm, Media Relations Manager, Corporate Communications,
Phone: +46 8 743 8060 or +46 70 865 8060