Atlas Copco Group headquarters
Visitors’ address
Sickla Industriväg 19 Nacka
13154 sweden
Find out what Atlas Copco is doing locally.
Visitors’ address
Sickla Industriväg 19 Nacka
13154 sweden
Atlas Copco AB
SE-105 23 Stockholm, Sweden
Registration number: 556014-2720
We strive to deliver up-to-date and accurate information for analysts and investors in our dedicated section. For additional questions regarding the Atlas Copco share, financial information, corporate governance, etc. Mail to: [email protected].
Are you a journalist? Contact us to get information about the Atlas Copco Group, book an interview, etc. Mail to: [email protected].
Are you a jobseeker? Interested in a thesis with Atlas Copco? For questions about careers always contact the companies in the country or countries where you are looking for an opportunity. Visit our careers section to learn more!
Are you representing an embassy or a governmental entity? Contact us to get information about the Atlas Copco Group, set up meetings with Atlas Copco, for invitations to governmental receptions, etc. Mail to: [email protected].
We encourage our employees, business partners and other stakeholders to report any incidents in which Atlas Copco is not complying with our commitments stated in our Code of Conduct. If you suspect something isn’t right, you should turn to SpeakUp, our external misconduct reporting system. Anonymity is guaranteed.
Feel free to contact us if you have general questions and comments on how we monitor measure and develop our corporate responsibility. Students interested in thesis work, interviews or job opportunities in this subject should contact their local Atlas Copco company or send a request via the career section. Mail to: [email protected].