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Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Atlas Copco Report on Q4 and full-year 2006 summary (unaudited)

February 1, 2007

Note: All figures are for continuing operations, unless otherwise stated. 

Record results and significant capital distribution·         Continuous efforts to strengthen market presence and penetration pay off. ·         Organic order growth 21%.  ·         Revenues reached MSEK 13 582 (11 982), organic growth 18%. ·         Operating profit was MSEK 2 464 (2 146), corresponding to a margin of 18.1% (17.9). ·         One time charge of MSEK 83 related to pension provisions. ·         Profit before tax increased 14% to MSEK 2 382 (2 097). ·         Saleof the equipment rental business concluded; net gain of MSEK 7 789. ·         Profit for the period was MSEK 9 172 (2 182). ·         Basic earnings per share were SEK 14.74 (3.46).  ·         18.4 million B-shares repurchased for MSEK 3 776. ·         Proposed 3:1 split and distribution to shareholders of SEK 44.75 per share through- annual dividend for 2006, SEK 4.75 (4.25) per share and - extra distribution of SEK 40 per share through mandatory redemption.

Near-term demand outlook

The demand for Atlas Copco’s products and services, from most customer segments such as mining, construction and the manufacturing and process industries, is expected to remain at the current high level.For further information please contact:AnalystsMattias Olsson, Investor Relations Manager,  Phone: +46 8 743 8291 or +46 70 518 8291 [email protected] Annika Berglund, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications,  Phone: +46 8 743 8070 or +46 70 322 8070