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Atlas Copco to utilize mandate in connection to its share value based incentive programs

July 16, 2007

Stockholm, Sweden, July 16, 2007: The Board of Atlas Copco AB has decided to use the mandate granted by the AGM 2007 to divest own B-shares and purchase own A-shares in connection to its share value based incentive programs. 

Up to 8 828 400 B-shares currently held by the company can be divested and 6 400 000 A-shares can be purchased, in accordance with the resolution by the AGM 2007. The objective is to use proceeds from the B-shares primarily to acquire own shares of series A, which will be held for possible delivery under the company’s personnel option programs. Proceeds can also be used to cover costs for social security charges.   Purchases of shares are subject to market conditions and regulatory restrictions, and can only be made at a price per share that falls within the registered price range at each given time.   The number of outstanding shares issued is presently 839.4 million A-shares and 390.2 million B-shares for a total of 1 229.6 million shares.For further information please contact:Daniel Frykholm, Media Relations Manager  +46 (0)8 743 8060 or +46 (0)708 65 8060