Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Praktikum als Industrialization Engineer

  • Functional area: Manufacturing
  • Country: Germany
  • City: Darmstadt
  • On-Site/Remote: On-Site
  • Brand: ISRA Vision
  • Company name: ISRA Vision Gmbh
  • Date of Posting: March 27, 2024

Your future job

ISRA VISION ist ein führender Anbieter der industriellen Bildverarbeitung mit mehr als 1.200 MitarbeiterInnen an weltweit 25 Standorten. Als Teil der Machine Vision Division der global tätigen Atlas Copco Gruppe stehen wir für nachhaltige und intelligente Industrielösungen, die von der Oberflächeninspektion bis hin zu softwaregesteuerten Robotics-Anwendungen für die Smart Factory Automation reichen. Leidenschaft, Engagement und Vielfalt sind seit über 35 Jahren unser Antrieb. 

Werde Teil unseres globalen Teams an unserem Standort Darmstadt.

Begeisternd – Deine Aufgaben: 

  • Durchführung von technischen Projekten an der Schnittstelle zwischen Entwicklung und Produktion 

  • Entwicklung und Projektierung von Produktionslinien neuer Produkte und Produktgenerationen 

  • Mitarbeit bei der Inbetriebnahme einer neuen Produktionshalle 

  • Analyse und Optimierung bestehender Produktions- und Montageprozesse 

  • Erstellen von Montagehilfen und Prüfvorrichtungen sowie den dazugehörigen Prozessbeschreibungen 

Überzeugend – Dein Profil:  

  • Aktuell eingeschrieber Student der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Elektrotechnik oder vergleichbar.

  • Interesse an Produktions- und Montageabläufen sowie Prozessoptimierung 

  • Strukturierte und Prozessorientierte Arbeitsweise sowie gute Organisationsfähigkeit, Kommunikationsstärke und Teamfähigkeit 

  • Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift 

Attraktiv – Deine Vorteile: 

  • Motivierendes und inspirierendes Umfeld bei einem führenden Technologie- und Marktführer als Teil der global agierenden Atlas Copco Group, in dem Du Dich wohlfühlen wirst mit einer Lern- und Feed-back Kultur in einem vielfältigen internationalen Team 
  • Persönliche Weiterentwicklung mit Trainings und Fokus auf Dein individuelles Wachstum 
  • Zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten wie attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote über die Shops unserer Corporate Partner mit wechselnden Angeboten 
  • Eine moderne Firmenkultur in einem globalen Netzwerk, geprägt von einem respektvollen Umgang mit flachen Hierarchien und einer Kommunikation per Du 
  • Eine ausgewogene Verpflegung wird Dir durch unsere Kantine sowie Obst und Getränke geboten 

Diverse by nature and inclusive by choice
Bright ideas come from all of us. The more unique perspectives we embrace, the more innovative we are. Together we build a culture where difference is valued and we share a deep sense of purpose and belonging.