Atlas Copco Interim report at March 31, 2006 (unaudited)

April 27, 2006

Acceleration of growth in Q1
• The construction equipment rental business is reported as discontinued operations.  • Strong growth in all business areas and regions. • Orders received for continuing operations up 39%, up 24% in volume. • Revenues for continuing operations reached MSEK 11 948 (9 010), up 18% in volume. – MSEK 14 863 (11 168) including Rental Service.  • Operating profit for continuing operations was MSEK 2 096 (1 344), corresponding to a margin of 17.5% (14.9). – MSEK 2 771 (1 695) including Rental Service, a margin of 18.6% (15.2).  • Profit before tax for continuing operations increased 51% to MSEK 2 264 (1 498). – MSEK 2 606 (1 709) including Rental Service. • Profit for the period was MSEK 1 786 (1 198). • Basic earnings per share were SEK 2.83 (1.90).  • Operating cash flow totaled MSEK 536 (1 017).Near-term demand outlook  The demand for Atlas Copco's products and services, from all major customer segments such as mining, infrastructure and other non-residential construction, manufacturing and process industry, is expected to remain at the current high level. 
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