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Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Christin Friberg Femling

Christin was one of the participants in our 2021 mentoring program for women. Listen to what she has to say about her experiences with us.


Education: Master of Science in Technical Physics, MSc Applied Mathematics

University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mentor: Josefin Rönnqvist

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a happy and sociable person who likes complicated card and board games, strength training, good food and drink, and outdoor life. Right now, most of my free time is spent in playgrounds or in nature with my family, my husband and our son. I am curious, love challenges and learning new things. That is probably precisely why my journey to soon become a graduate engineer has taken quite a long time, with several years working in restaurants, finance and administration before my studies. That was probably also why the choice of studies was limited to just technical physics.

Why did you apply for Atlas Copco's mentoring program? How did you find the program?

As I neared the end of my education, I felt very lost for a while and wondered who I really was if I am no longer a student. Who do I identify as then? I also had a hard time valuing my previous work experience and felt that I am quite different from the typical newly graduated student because of it. I also thought that I needed to bounce ideas around with someone outside my education. At the same time, a post about Atlas Copco's mentoring program for women was shared in my feed on LinkedIn, and I realized that this was exactly the mentor I needed - an experienced and competent woman in a technical industry with whom I could discuss these issues. 

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program.

My mentor and I have been able to shape the program quite a bit based on our own wishes. Due to the pandemic, we have had walk-and-talks and outdoor lunches mixed with telephone calls, which has suited us very well. Josefin has been a fantastic support during the year, especially through many recruitment processes, because I applied for both dissertation projects and "real" jobs during the year, partly by listening, asking questions and telling me about her own experiences, but also as she introduced me to her network in order to find opportunities and concrete solutions to my thoughts.

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

Having got to know Josefin, we clicked quickly and got along very well together. It's a great opportunity to have someone to turn to for all those questions you need help with when you don't have anyone to ask. 

In what way has this mentorship been rewarding for your future career?

In addition to the support and pep talks I received from Josefin, we did a personality test which was very interesting. It gave me some perspective on my strengths but also what qualities I need to work on to develop myself and become a better employee, colleague or manager. 

Would you recommend other students to apply?

Absolutely! If you have thoughts about any issues, big or small, relating to careers, studies, or being a woman and pursuing a career in a male-dominated industry, or if you just want someone to ask all sorts of questions that arise when transitioning from student life to professional life as a woman, please apply!

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Yes, it is a large (!) company where most skills are represented; there are many possibilities!

What are your plans for after graduation?

I finish in January 2022 and I'm really looking forward to entering working life soon. I want to continue to be challenged and learn more in my professional role. In the future, I see myself in a project management role or similar where I get to drive things forward, develop processes, and develop myself!

Mentee and mentor

Christin together with her mentor Josefin