Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Smart tools on the road

A truckload of smart tools and solutions from Atlas Copco is touring Europe, meeting the vision of Industry 4.0.

Atlas Copco Smart Assembly Solution

The vision of Industry 4.0 presents tremendous opportunities, and Atlas Copco is working side-by-side with our customers to turn them into reality. Take an assembly line for instance. When smart tools are used together with other connected systems, real benefits can be achieved. Atlas Copco’s Smart Connected Assembly is a networked system, where all assembly related tools and processes are networked to each other, and integrated into the production network. The data generated is used when controlling and identifying improvements in and between the assembly processes, enabling higher quality and efficiency for our customers.

During 2017/2018, Atlas Copco is rolling out a truckload of tools for the Smart Connected Assembly, on a tour through Europe. Find a location close to you – and join in on the revolution.

Find out more about the tour:

Learn more about Smart Connected Assembly: https://www.atlascopco.com/en-uk/itba/industry-solutions/automotive/Industry40solutions

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