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Roof products manufacturer see savings with smarter vacuum pump

November 3, 2015

Energy efficiency

Monier is a leading global manufacturer of pitched roof products, making roof tiles for almost a century. Luxembourg-based Monier also produces roofing systems, chimneys and energy system solutions.  By using Atlas Copco's VSD+ vacuum pump, the company is saving energy and reducing maintenance.

Challenge: Finding a robust, service-friendly vacuum solution

The manufacturing process of clay tiles needs to get the air out of the clay, just as in the pottery process, and vacuum is used to achieve this. The clay extrusion process sucks lots of water vapour and dust into the vacuum pump, and Monier were looking for a robust vacuum solution that could handle this demanding and tough process, that would be easy to service. In addition sustainability was important to them.

New vacuum pump does the trick

Monier installed the humid version of the new GHS 575 VSD + vacuum pump, which is specifically configured for high water vapour applications such as clay extrusion. The new pump replaced an old oil sealed rotary vane pump from a competitor.

Longer life, lower energy and higher reliability

The GHS 575 VSD + is a plug and play solution that achieves lots of different benefits for the end user. The machine has a unique design concept which means the hot and cool zones are separated; this ensures a longer lifetime of the electronic components and a higher reliability. The pump has a built-in Elektronikon which monitors every aspect of the vacuum production, regulating all factors so as to avoid condensation and thereby extend oil life. The vacuum pump automatically cleans and purges itself which means maintenance is only performed when absolutely necessary, and even in harsh and humid work environments, such as at Monier, it is very easy.

Reducing our energy consumption is an important part of our ecological policy," said Gerard Holtmaat, Head of Production Monier Benelux.  "Atlas Copco’s vacuum pump helps us achieve this.

The previous rotary vane pump was an 11 kW machine. The GHS 575 VSD + delivers the same performance with only 7.5 kW, delivering significant energy savings, important to Monier as they aim to deliver sustainable products and systems. The pump includes a free calculation module, the V-Box, which tells you how much energy you can save by installing a GHS VSD + vacuum pump with variable speed technology. The Monier installation has been used as a test situation for the new GHS VSD + pump from Atlas Copco precisely because it is such a demanding application for a vacuum pump and the GHS has provided a reliable performance even in these harsh conditions.

Written by Christoph Angenendt

Energy efficiency Luxembourg Vacuum pumps Europe Vacuum Manufacturing