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Stina Bergholm

Stina was one of the women who participated in our 2022 annual mentorship program. Read about her experiences together with us at Atlas Copco.

Stina Bergholm

Education: Industrial Management

University: Linköping University

Mentor: Camilla Ballin Ullstrand

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Stina Bergholm and I am 23 years old. I am now on my last year of studies at the Industrial Management program at Linköping University. I have studied a BSc. in energy technology and my master is about strategy and management. 

Why did you apply to the mentorship program at Atlas Copco? How did you find out about the program?

I found the mentorship program at Atlas Copco’s Linkedin site and applied to get insights about the company and its business to see if it could be interesting for me to join Atlas Copco. Also I wanted to discuss my thoughts and plans around my education and career with someone who had similar background and experiences. I wanted to understand what factors are most important when you plan for your future work life and better understand where my passions are. 

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program

I had really good experiences from the program. It really becomes what you make of it. My mentor and I were lucky to live and work close to each other so we could meet approximately once a month during the year, and we had many great conversations where I think we learned from each other. 

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

The best part was that I got more clarity about what I want and what to look for in a future employer. I have widened my scope and have seen that there are many different paths to take after graduation that all can be equally good. 

In what way has this mentorship been rewarding for your future career?

I now have a better understanding of my strengths and what is important to me in my future career. I have also been able to build contacts and a network that can prove helpful for the future.

Would you recommend others to join the mentorship program?

Yes absolutely. As I mentioned, the mentorship program becomes what you make of it and it is good to think in advance what it is that you want to achieve and get out of it. It was good to prepare questions before the meetings with my mentor and it helped me to have very good discussions and to get a clearer vision of my career ahead. It was also great to get insights into Atlas Copco and the many different people and roles it entails.

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Yes I definitely could image that. There are many different departments and roles with interesting opportunities and I like the culture and work style that I have seen so far in Atlas Copco.

What are your plans after graduation?

After my graduation I plan to move to Stockholm and find a job. I have not yet signed up for a job but think my first job might be as a management or IT- consultant. 

NACKA 2022-08-31 Årets mentorprogram på Atlas Copco.Foto: Mikael Sjöberg

Stina with her mentor Camilla