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Sara Johansson

Sara was one of the participants in our 2021 mentoring program for women. Listen to what she has to say about her experiences with us.

Sara Johansson

Education: Master of Science in Design and Product Development, Master's degree in Industrial Economics with a focus on energy

University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mentor: Lina Bergholm

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Sara Johansson, I am 26 years old and in my fifth year at KTH in Stockholm, studying to be a civil engineer. I grew up in Västra Götaland and moved to Stockholm five years ago for work and studies. Since I also work a little alongside my studies, there is not much free time, but in my spare time I like to exercise, hang out with friends, and go hiking. Right now I am also training for a relay, which feels extra exciting because I was on cross-country skis for the first time this christmas.

Why did you apply for Atlas Copco's mentoring program? How did you find the program?

In short, I applied for the mentoring program as I felt uncertain about what to do after my studies, what type of services I might be suitable for, and what might be suitable for me.


I discovered the program when I was in contact with a person at Atlas Copco about another issue, and that person advised me to apply.

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program.

I have had very positive experiences of the program and it has been interesting, educational and valuable to have a mentor to talk to, bounce ideas off and discuss them with. It has also been interesting and valuable to gain more insight into Atlas Copco as a company. I knew a little about the company before, but I had no in-depth knowledge of the company or how big and broad it actually is.

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

The best thing is that I have now realized that there are an enormous number of different types of services/opportunities that I could be suitable for, both in general and at Atlas Copco.


Getting to know my mentor has also been one of the best things, and I think we will definitely keep in touch in the future.


I have also received very valuable tips for the recruitment process, including how to format my CV and cover letters so that they are as good as possible.

In what way has this mentorship been rewarding for your future career?

As previously mentioned, it was very valuable for me to gain insight into the fact that there are many different services / opportunities that I find interesting and where I can fit in, and that there are many roles I can and want to apply for that I had not thought of before.


Receiving tips for my CV, cover letter and the recruitment process has also been valuable, as I have not received professional help with it before and mostly looked for information online.


In summary, the mentoring program has given me more confidence and I am less stressed about applying for jobs.

Would you recommend other students to apply?

Absolutely. For me, this has been an opportunity to discuss both small and large issues regarding school and work, as well as an opportunity to get an insight into a large Swedish company and learn very valuable facts and knowledge.

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Definitely. At one of the meetings, my mentor and I looked at different positions at Atlas Copco and there were several positions that I was very eager to apply for. I also have a lot of confidence in Atlas Copco as a company.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will write my thesis this spring and then apply for various positions, both at Atlas Copco and at other companies. Then I will see what happens. After participating in the mentoring program, I no longer feel stressed about graduating.

Mentee and mentor

Sara together with her mentor Lina