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Julia Jonsson

Julia was one of the women who participated in our 2022 annual mentorship program. Read about her experiences together with us at Atlas Copco.

Julia Jonsson

Education: MSc. Design and product development

University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mentor: Annika Siekkin

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Julia and I study in the second year of my master education. In parallel with my studies I also work as recruitment assistant at Academic Work and I will soon start a new mission as Operations Specialist Assistant. I am very creative and like to solve problems. This is something that I hope to benefit from in my future career. My dream would be to lead companies in their innovation and product development processes. 

Why did you apply to the mentorship program at Atlas Copco? How did you find out about the program?

I got the tip from my master program manager and I thought it sounded like a great opportunity for further growth and also to build a valuable network for the future. My goal was also to get to know myself better, get valuable advice for my career and simultaneously to get an understanding of Atlas Copco as a company of choice.

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program

It has been a truly developing experience for me. I have met with Annika both in person and online as I have been living in Italy for 5 months during the program. We have discussed both small and big topics and I bring with me many useful insights. 

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

It has been so many learnings, for example about cultural differences and the role they play. I have been using these new insights during my assignment in Italy. I am also more relaxed in my job search. Annika gave good advice on how to focus on job roles that I am truly interested in instead of having a pure focus on career advantages. 

How has the mentorship been beneficial for your future career?

As mentioned previously, I will bring insights with me and I have also understood how important the exchange of knowledge is in order to grow both on company and individual levels. This has been very rewarding for us students but I think also for our mentors. 

Would you recommend others to join the mentorship program?

Yes, I would absolutely recommend it.

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Again, yes absolutely! Atlas Copco is a large global Group working with interesting technologies, where there are great opportunities for growth and development. Also, based on what I heard from Annika the company culture suits me and my own values.

What are your plans after graduation?

I want to work with innovation processes and product development processes on strategic as well as on operational levels, preferably in a leading role. My plan is to search for a job role that has these ingredients included. 

NACKA 2022-08-31 Årets mentorprogram på Atlas Copco.Foto: Mikael Sjöberg

Julia with her mentor Annika