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Jessica Chow

Jessica was one of the participants in our 2021 mentoring program for women. Listen to what she has to say about her experiences with us.

Jessica Chow

Education: Master of Science in Vehicle Engineering, Master's degree in sound and vibration

University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mentor: Lisa H Lindberg Interests: Food, Thai boxing, skills and personal development, motivation

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Jessica Chow and I study Vehicle Technology, a Master's program specialising in Sound and Vibrations. At KTH, I am part of the organization Engineers Without Borders and have the role of International Project Coordinator. In my free time I like to practice Thai boxing and hang out with friends, and I am a big foodie.

Why did you apply for Atlas Copco's mentoring program? How did you find the program?

I googled mentoring programs and saw that Atlas Copco had one for women. I was interested in having a person I could talk to, get guidance from and develop myself alongside. At the same time, I was also interested in understanding how women in the technology/engineering industry feel. 

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program.

It was inspiring to see women with different roles in the technology industry. It was a bit of a shame that we could not have that many physical meetings (due to the pandemic) but having it online was fine as well. I think it is good, especially when you are a student, to have a mentor with whom you can talk about different things. It helps to get different perspectives on things.

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

It has been interesting to discuss different things with my mentor, Lisa. Among other things, she helped to review my CV and make some changes. It felt important to know how she views a CV as she sometimes hires people for her team. It was also instructive of my mentor to give me different perspectives on things. We also talked about what a newly graduated student should think about when applying for a job, etc. I like what my mentor said - "Just do it! Don't think too much, just do it!"

In what way has this mentorship been rewarding for your future career?

It has provided me with a good overview of what a large technical company is like. I will take the tips I have received and learned from my mentor with me into my future career. 

Would you recommend other students to apply?

Yes, definitely!

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Yes, because there are areas that are linked to my education. Since I am very interested in an international career, I would like to work in different countries -most of all in China - and Atlas Copco is all over the world. 

What are your plans for after graduation?

I want to start working in the field I have studied, with a focus on sound and vibrations. I would also like to try working in something else, but that will come later as my career develops.

Mentee and mentor

Jessica with her mentor Lisa