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Gulgun Farziyeva

Gulgun was one of the women who participated in our 2022 annual mentorship program. Read about her experiences together with us at Atlas Copco.

Gulgun Farziyeva

Education: MSc. Industrial management and Innovation

University: Uppsala University

Mentor: Maria Gundersen

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am orginally from Masalli, Azerbaijan however grown up in the capital – Baku, and pursued my bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering at Baku Engineering University. Right after my bachelor’s, I applied for a master's degree in a few universities around Europe and got accepted at Uppsala University. Moreover, I was granted with Visby scholarship from Swedish Insitute. In 2022, I completed my master’s degree as well. Now, I am working in Stockholm as a junior developer but still live in lovely Uppsala. 

Why did you apply to the mentorship program at Atlas Copco? How did you find out about the program?

It was a stressful time for me as I was studying, searching for a topic/field for my thesis, and meanwhile looking for a job. Nothing was clear and sure about my future plans at that time, and while looking for jobs I came across with this program. The program was offering more than I could desire, and I was lucky that found the right program at the right time. I read the interviews of mentees and decided to apply. To be honest, I have applied with a super amateur CV but a self-express motivation letter. When I got a call from my mentor to be – Maria, it was the first positive news that came into my life at that time. 

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program

Honestly, I can say that I have gotten more than what I expected from the program. We planned some meetings with my mentor and talked about the set topics. I got very practical reviews from her on my CV, and the way how to apply for jobs in the Swedish market as a foreigner woman. Moreover, I had a meeting with HRs, and they mentioned useful matters about my behavioral tests. I can say that it was also a very important point as many companies require these tests while job applications. So, it gives you the advantage to know the core of the requirements. 

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

Many things… Some truth that I knew actually was not correct, having a certain style and approach can influence your route hugely, it is always better to ask for direction and help in finding your way. 

In what way has this mentorship been rewarding for your future career?

I got a job that would have been super challenging and time-consuming without this program. I also got helpful advice that made my journey worthwhile. 

Would you recommend others to join the mentorship program?

Definitely yes, even just witnessing these powerful women in charge will make you well-motivated. By observing them, their work-life balance will teach you many things as a female. 

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Yes, as I had a chance to tour around the company, meet people, and get information about the culture in Atlas Copco, I can tell that it is one of the best places where you can pursue your career. 

What are your plans after graduation?

I have already got a job as I mentioned before, so now I am planning to improve my skills and have a well-planned career path. For my adequately starting, I want to thank Atlas Copco and my dear mentor, Maria, for her light on my way.

NACKA 2022-08-31 Årets mentorprogram på Atlas Copco.Foto: Mikael Sjöberg

Gulgun with her mentor Maria