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Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Meet Nishita Kavala, Senior project manager in Vacuum Technique

Nishita is currently leading Program Metis, which will transform the way we work with big data. She shares her views about how it is like to work in informational technology at Atlas Copco.

Describe to us what your Monday morning looks like?

After my first cup of coffee, I start with a review of tasks to be completed for the week. I make an action list and review pending tasks from previous weeks, this helps me to effectively manage my time. Once I have my task list ready, I review current news and interesting articles (both technical and financial) around the world. If I come across anything interesting that I am not sure of, I like to research and explore the topic with a colleague who may be knowledgeable in that area, to gain a better understanding from them. 

How did you get to your role as Project Manager in tech?

Nishita Kavala

I would say this transition started almost 13 years ago, when I started my career in Unified Communications as a Backbone Engineer, and eventually a Solution Architect. Unified communications is a branch of telecommunication where different services are combined and available via a single solution. My role as a backbone engineer included engaging with end customers to troubleshoot designs and ensure services are running smoothly. When I progressed into the Solution Architect role my main responsibilities were to understand customer requirements and design future systems.

During this journey I found a new appreciation for stakeholder interaction and completion of customer requirements alongside tech. Meeting a veteran Project Manager, I was able to request work to develop my project management skills, alongside gaining the theoretical knowledge. Upon getting myself the Project Management Institute (PMI) certification, a year later I received an offer to join Atlas Copco as a full time Project Manager.

Being PMI certified requires documenting your experiences, followed by a multiple-choice question exam, testing your knowledge for each project stage. This certification needs to be renewed every 3 years, ensuring your skills are up to scratch!

Who has been an inspiring leader for you in your career and why?

I would have to say it’s my father, he is a force to reckon with in his field. I come from a family of management driven leaders, and despite not coming from a tech industry, his work principles are applicable to any field. 

He has inspired me to always stay on the course and never give up, no matter how challenging the road ahead gets. He has also taught me how crucial networking, is not just from career development perspective, but also for personal growth. An important teaching was how to be a leader and not a manager, ensuring you have your teams back.

What do you enjoy about technology in Atlas Copco?

Atlas Copco is innovative and path breaking, with the organisation providing the latest technology. For example, Atlas Copco is one of the first companies in its segment to adopt Microsoft Teams, not just for collaboration, but also communication (i.e., incoming and outgoing calls).  

What do you think is the biggest opportunity for fresh talent into tech roles?

I was born in an era when the turnaround for innovation and developments are much quicker than earlier generations. Fresh talent are more adaptive and have opportunities to leverage on the new branches of science and technology that were not available earlier. It’s an exciting period right now, technology is being outdated in years rather than decades, allowing the fresh talent to embrace these changes quicker and come up with ideas for continuous improvements. 

What are your aspirations in the future?

Wow, that’s a loaded question! In my immediate future, I aspire to successfully deliver the Metis program I am currently running which will transform the way we work with our data and analyse it. I would like to be part of the massive change we have undertaken in the organisation and lead more challenging programs. I also would like to lead by example and be a champion for growing diversity. On a personal front, I have plans to open a dog shelter one day! 

What support network do you have around you to support you in your tech?

Atlas Copco’s culture fosters ‘camaraderie’ (trust and friendship) amongst colleagues, so making a support network is an easy task. My colleagues span across the other organisations/divisions and are always ready to help me or support me when faced with a challenge. This support network not only helps me with issues, but also helps me to grow by sharing their knowledge, such as informing me on new developments in their respective fields.