Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

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Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

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Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Meet Dmitry Kovalev in Corporate Communications

Dmitry Kovalev started his professional journey in Atlas Copco as Holding Corporate Communications Manager in Moscow, Russia. He recently took up the position as Social Media Manager in the Group’s Corporate Communications. 

Dmitry Kovalev social media manager

Background: 8 years in the telecommunications, starting from customer service and gradually finding the way to communications

Education: Bachelor in Linguistics (graduated in 2010) and World Economy (graduated in 2012)

Current role: Social Media Manager, Atlas Copco Group

Nationality: Russian

Hobby: Used to be movies and TV series, but now it’s really about watching my newborn daughter grow up and try to be a part of it as much as I can. 

How did you hear about Atlas Copco?

“Honestly, before January 2018 I never heard about Atlas Copco. It’s strange because my parents-in-law are in the construction business and own one of our products. So, when I told them about the company I’m about to join, they were really hyped about it. I was completely blown away when I started researching the company – long and rich history, corporate culture, the involvement in so many industries and of course the Atlascopcosaurus (dinosaur) story were selling points to me,” Dmitry explains.  

Can you tell us about your journey in Atlas Copco?

Dmitry describes that when he started as Holding Corporate Communications Manager in 2018, he moved to Moscow from his hometown, which was located 1 000 km south of the Russian capital: “During these two years there were so many things, so many new people, so many new challenges. I feel like I’ve grown professionally and that’s all because of the passionate people that were surrounding me in my journey.” 

Being responsible for Corporate Communications in two regions, Russia & Central Asia and Central & Eastern Europe, meant he had a lot of activities and many countries to keep track of. After two years in the role he started to look for new challenges: “In March 2020, accidently right after the COVID-19 pandemic started to really take over the globe, I decided to apply for Social Media Manager position in the Group Corporate Communications team and got the position,” Dmitry adds.  

What brings you the most joy to work at Atlas Copco?

“Working with so many incredible people from around the world. Another thing is Atlas Copco’s principle that we are all in charge of our own professional development. This might be a small sentence, but it describes one of the biggest advantages of working here – there is a goal that you see but it’s up to you how to reach it and what road to take to get there,” he says

What is your main driver? What inspires you?

“Learning. I feel like I learned so much during these past two years and it helped me to grow professionally. With so many new digital tools and learning platforms it would be a crime not to learn new things,” he says.

Dmitry concludes by saying that: “If you always dreamed about playing a piano – give it a shot! Learning opens up new possibilities and provides tools to handle the upcoming challenges. There is a saying “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”, so go ahead and find something new to learn today. It will be worth it.” 

Atlas Copco culture quiz with colleagues. Discussing culture and values and what it is like working in the organization.

Hear our people talk about culture

Meet our colleagues Ellen Kenis, Cheuk Wing Leung, Julie Pollet, William Sayghani, Karin Ly and Omar Aberkan. Hear their discussion about our culture and what it’s really like to work here.

Listen here
