November 27, 2024

Electrical Quality Engineer

Quality Edwards Japan Chiba

Your future job

・Customer complaints:

Act as the point of contact with customers and lead each internal department to promote analysis (requests to suppliers), organize information and create reports, report to customers, Conduct follow-up after the introduction of measures.

・Quality abnormality response:

We accept quality abnormality cases that occur in daily production, system registration, treatment of defective products, analysis/provisional response, and support for the production process. Feedback and parts defects are contacted to the supplier, and with the request of the analysis report and the analysis results, the project is closed.

・Improvement of defects:

For defects or abnormalities that occur during the process, confirm the site, actual item, and phenomenon together with the relevant departments and take temporary measures. In addition, we will follow up until the permanent measures are developed, reviewed tools, work standards, processes, standards, etc., and introduced measures. Perform verification.

・Re-examination of parts:

For parts (work-in-progress) that have defects in each process in daily production, we re-evaluate whether they are within standards (control limits) and decide whether they are OK or NOK.

・Initial product inspection:

Guide the introduction process, prepare documents, arrange evaluation, confirm results, and approve for specification changes and new parts. Transfer to mass production process.

・4M change response:

Confirm the purpose, effect, schedule, specifications, and evaluation results of the change project and make the final decision. In some cases, we will evaluate and summarize the results. Prepare background data for judgment.

Functional area: Quality
Country: Japan
City: Chiba
On-site/remote: Hybrid
Brand: Edwards
Company Name: Edwards Japan Ltd
Date of Posting: November 27, 2024
Last day to apply: January 31, 2025