Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

HR Officer

  • Functional area: Human Resources
  • Country: Belgium
  • City: Hoeselt
  • On-Site/Remote: On-Site
  • Brand: Atlas Copco
  • Company name: Power Tools Distribution n.v.
  • Date of Posting: March 4, 2024
  • Last date to apply: June 5, 2024

Your future job

Als HR Officer zal je instaan voor de administratieve ondersteuning van onze Hire to Retire processen op de HR Afdeling bij Atlas Copco Power Tools Distribution te Hoeselt.

Kortom, je bent de administratieve spilfiguur binnen de personeelsafdeling en werkt hierin nauw samen met je HR collega’s!

Jouw functie

  • Je bent verantwoordelijk voor de algemene personeelsadministratie zoals het opmaken en opvolgen van :  arbeidsovereenkomsten,  dossiers loopbaanonderbreking,  ...
  • Je beheert het tijdsregistratiesysteem (ProTime)  en volgt hiermee de afwezigheden en prestaties op van onze vaste medewerkers
  • Je ondersteunt onze medewerkers met hun HR-gerelateerde vragen
  • Je beheert de HR masterdata in Successfactors
  • Na een interne opleiding word je ingeschakeld in de payroll van de arbeiders
  • Je bouwt mee aan een aantal HR initiatieven, die ons als organisatie verder versterken

Jouw opleiding en ervaring

  • Je bent in het bezit van een bachelordiploma en je hebt daarnaast al ervaring opgedaan met personeelsadministratie en tijdsregistratie
  • Je kan vlot overweg met software pakketten (MS Office) en kan je snel aanpassen aan nieuwe systemen
  • Naast een uitstekende kennis van het Nederlands heb je een goede kennis van het Engels

Jouw competenties

  • Administratie is volledig jouw ding, je weet van aanpakken en bent sterk in het behouden van het overzicht van de verschillende taken en gaat hierbij gestructureerd en planmatig te werk
  • Het nauwkeurig uitvoeren van je taken is een absolute sterkte van je
  • In jouw rol weet je dat discreet omgaan met vertrouwelijke informatie een must is
  • Je bent een teamplayer, maar kan ook zelfstandig werken
  • Je bent communicatief sterk met een positieve ingesteldheid en je bent klantgericht
  • Je maakt er een punt van dat, als je iets belooft, je dit altijd nakomt

Wat bieden we je? 

  • Een aangename en familiale sfeer binnen een  Zweedse multinational
  • De kans om je eigen professionele pad uit te stippelen, waarbij persoonlijke ontwikkeling en verantwoordelijkheid hand in hand gaan.
  • De kans om vanuit je functie mee te bouwen aan een stabiele en groeiende internationale onderneming waar je echt een verschil kan maken
  • Een contract van onbepaalde duur
  • Een marktconform salaris in lijn met je ervaring en competenties,  met diverse extralegale voordelen zoals groeps- en hospitalisatieverzekering, maaltijdcheques (8 €/dag)
  • Aandacht voor work-life balance : bijkomend verlof (33 verlofdagen op jaarbasis)
  • Glijdende uurroosters waar je binnen bepaalde grenzen de vrijheid hebt om zelf je begin- en einduur te kiezen en flexibiliteit kan opbouwen
  • Op termijn (na je opleidingsperiode) heb je de mogelijkheid om tot 2 dagen/week van thuis te werken,indien het werk het toelaat.
  • Fijne collega’s die je helpen wegwijs te geraken in alle HR processen, en bij wie je altijd terecht kan met je vragen.

Passionate people create exceptional things

Did you know that the solutions we develop are a key part of most industries? Electronics, medical research, renewable energy, food production, infrastructure and many more. We´re everywhere!
Working with us means working with the latest technologies and groundbreaking, sustainable innovations. With our inclusive and caring environment, you get the support and inspiration you need to grow. Here, your ideas are embraced, and you never stop learning.

Interested in being part of our team? Join us on our journey for a better tomorrow.