Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Servicetechniker (m/w/d) für Aussendienst Raum Berlin Brandenburg

  • Functional area: Service
  • Country: Germany
  • City: Berlin / Brandenburg
  • On-Site/Remote: On-Site
  • Brand: Atlas Copco
  • Company name: Atlas Copco Tools Central Europe GmbH
  • Date of Posting: May 7, 2024

Your future job

Our solutions are a key part of most industries - electronics, medical research, renewable energy, food production, infrastructure and many more. Working with us means working with the latest technologies and groundbreaking, sustainable innovations.

Join us on our journey for a better tomorrow.

Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Termin einen Servicetechniker (m/w/d) im Außendienst in den neuen Bundesländern

Beginne eine Reise mit endlosen Möglichkeiten.

Bei Atlas Copco glauben wir daran, dass es immer einen besseren Weg gibt. Wir hinterfragen den Status Quo und stellen uns immer neuen Herausforderungen. Mit Hilfe unserer Spitzentechnologie und großartigen Ideen schaffen wir Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Wir glauben daran, dass Leidenschaft der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist. Du bist Botschafter von Atlas Copco, insbesondere bei unseren Kunden.  Darum bieten wir eine Arbeitsumgebung mit hoher Eigenverantwortung und unzähligen Möglichkeiten, um Deine Karriere voranzutreiben. Bei uns kannst Du in vielen großartigen Jobs Deine Leidenschaft leben und gemeinsam mit uns wachsen. Lass uns gemeinsam durchstarten - werde Teil von Atlas Copco - Home of industrial ideas.
Der Konzern hat seinen Hauptsitz in Stockholm, Schweden, sowie Kunden in mehr als 180 Ländern.
2022 erzielte Atlas Copco mit etwa 49.000 Beschäftigten weltweit einen Umsatz von rund 13 Milliarden Euro.  Atlas Copco Tools gehört zum Konzernbereich Industrietechnik. Der Geschäftsbereich Service bietet umfassende Dienstleistungen für multinational tätige Kunden: von der klassischen Reparatur über Wartungsverträge für die gesamte Fertigungstechnik bis hin zu Kalibrierungen und der Prozessoptimierung.

Hiermit bewerben wir uns bei Dir

  • Eine unbefristete Festanstellung mit einem attraktiven Vergütungspaket (inkl. betrieblicher Altersvorsorge/vermögenswirksame Leistungen)
  • Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle inkl. Freizeitausgleich, 30 Urlaubstage sowie Sonderurlaub für besondere Anlässe
  • Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten durch unsere eigene Akademie sowie flexible Teilnahme an E-Learnings
  • Internationale Karrieremöglichkeiten bei einem wachsenden und innovativen Weltmarktführer
  • Vielseitige Mitarbeitervorteile (z.B. Corporate Benefits) 
  • State of the Art Laptop, Handy, Firmenfahrzeug zur privaten Nutzung
  • Teamevents, Weihnachtsfeier
  • Flache Hierarchien, schnelle Entscheidungen
  • Gesundheitsangebote (Kaffee, Wasser, Tee, Obstkorb in den Niederlassungen, Jobrad)

Deine Aufgaben

  • Inbetriebnahme, Installationen und Umbauten von Schraubsystemen und gesteuerten Werkzeuge bei Kunden in der Region
  • Reparatur, Wartung, Kalibrierung und Prüfung unserer Industriewerkzeuge inkl. deren Steuerungen
  • Kundenbetreuung, After-Sales-Service sowie Dokumentation aller Arbeitsprozesse

Das bringst Du mit

  • Abgeschlossene Ausbildung in den Bereichen Mechanik, Mechatronik, Elektronik
  • Erfahrung im Bereich Reparatur und Wartung im Industrieumfeld sowie fundierte Kenntnisse in Netzwerktechnik
  • Grundlagenkenntnisse in SPS und Feldbussystemen wünschenswert
  • Hohes Maß an Flexibilität und Teamgeist
  • Selbstständiges Arbeiten sowie eine hohe Kunden- und Serviceorientierung
  • Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office und Führerschein der Klasse B

Erfahren Sie mehr unter: Industrial Tools & Assembly Solutions - Atlas Copco Deutschland oder hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZkNwkr9R4Q 

Atlas Copco Tools Central Europe GmbH Jessica Koenen - Human Resources